Holfast “A Fanbelt For Your Car” Double-Sided Tin Flange Sign
Bid now on this rare Holfast “A Fanbelt For Your Car” Double-Sided Tin Flange Sign. 18”x13”. Guaranteed old and original! Lot 481 in Miller’s Auction, Co.’s “Large 2-Day Advertising Auction,” featuring collections from Tom Jardine, Tom Dietz and Richard Harry, with over 1000 lots of great Advertising Signs, Clocks & Thermometers, Lighted Signs, Oil Cans, and more ending Mar 21-22, 2025 with a live auction in Tomah, WI. https://millersauctionco.com/auctions/17/lot/6665-tin-flange-sign-holfast-a-fan-belt-for-your-car
For questions and info, please contact Miller’s Auction Co at 715-299-2543 or [email protected]
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