1952 sso Extra Motor Oil Double-Sided Tin Sign
Bid now on this NOS 1952 Esso Extra Motor Oil Double-Sided Tin Sign. 17.5”x10”. Marked A-M 5-52. Lot 174 in C&A Auctions Large In Person and Online Auction, featuring over 1,000 lots of advertising signs, thermometers, gas/oil cans, country store, soda, stoneware, motorcycles and much more! All at no reserve! Ending Mar 22, 2025, with a live auction (including internet bidding) in Ramseur, NC. https://caauction.hibid.com/lot/236200631/1952-dst-old-stock-esso-motor-oil-sign-17-1-2×10
For questions and info, please contact C&A Auctions at 336-824-8844 or [email protected] or to bid on many items now go to: https://caauction.hibid.com
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